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Samepage - Online Collaboration for your Business

In a electronic age where fast pace business environments have become the norm, using services such as file sharing, tasks lists, and instant messaging has taken over the way we collaborate. Often, we have different programs or services that is being used to fulfill these different needs which can lead to losing data, or at best managing many windows. is a unique website that allows you to collaborate in all the ways you did before, just in one convenient location.
Samepage has two major components, Spaces and Pages. Spaces are used to breakup and organize the big aspects of your business, such as different departments or large projects. Pages can be throughout as subcategories within your Spaces; they break up things such as specific projects or meetings. Samepage allows you to share your Spaces and Pages with everyone or restrict it to the collaborators involved, ensuring people only see the information relevant to them.

Any contributor to a Space in samepage can create a new Page. Once a Page is created you can add things like text, files, photos, PDFs. task list and much more. Once someone has started a new Page other people can add their own files and information, bringing the collaboration to life. On the right hand side of a Page, there is a comment section. You can use the comment section to communicate with questions about posted information.

Samepage basic service, Work Teams, is free and includes 10 users, 250 Pages, 50GB of storage, and a maximum file size of 250MB. If you have more users or need more space, samepage has a Business plan that is $10 a user per month. With the Business plan you get unlimited Pages, 250GB of base storage plus 10GB per user on your plan, a maximum file size of 5GB, access to user management and phone support. At Cranston IT, we like samepage so much that we use it as a way to collaborate and keep everyone on the same page. Learn more about samepage and sign up for your free Samepage account here . For all your Apple needs, contact us at