Using Mountain Lion's Mail VIP Folders (Tutorial with Video) | CranstonIT - Blog

Using Mountain Lion's Mail VIP Folders (Tutorial with Video)

Have a VIP in your life? With Apple’s newest operating system, Mountain Lion, you can automatically keep copies of that person’s messages in a SmartFolder in your Mail program. This will eliminate the need to search multiple folders for specific messages you may need in the future. It also eliminates the need to manually drag messages into folders.

To designate someone as VIP, just click on an email from that person. Then click on the star that is to the left of their name in the “from” line. A new VIP section will then appear in the mailbox list that is on the left side of your window. If you ever want to remove a person from your VIP list, just click on the star by their name until it is slightly grayed, or right click on the persons’s name in the VIP list and choose to remove the person from your VIP list.

You can also choose to only receive notifications from your VIPs. Go to Mail, Preferences and then choose the General icon. From there you can set your preference to receive notifications from only VIPs.
If you have any questions about the VIP feature or any other aspect of the Mountain Lion operating system, contact us at 888-813-5558 or