DuckDuckGo Search Engine Review | CranstonIT - Blog

DuckDuckGo Search Engine Review

We use google for everything. From finding restaurant reviews, to questions on current events, and settling arguments between friends, Google has become our lifeline. From time-to-time we all Google things we want to keep private, and clearing the search history removes all previous search results, right? Unfortunately, no. Your searched history is tracked and compiled into a profile that can be sold. Not only can unique information about you be bought, but Google also keeps track of all your search history, which can be legally requested. Is all of this data collections a little alarming? Don’t panic, use
DuckDuckGo is a new search engine that doesn’t track or sell your searching history. Their mission is to offer a way to search that is completely private. They don’t keep any personal record of what you’ve searched and they don’t sell any information about you to other sites.

The privacy feature of DuckDuckGo isn’t the only selling point, its other unique and streamlined features make the switch a no brainer. When you search, a box at the top of the results page appears with “instant answers”, information that can often help you find the answer in just one click. With tags that label official webpages, icons that allow you to get more results, and one scrolling page, searching has never been easier.

DuckDuckGo also helps you find the most unbiased search results. Google looks at your search history, finds what your interested in, and tailors your search results. This can make your results not the most accurate. For example, someone searching “Egypt” can get top results about the political climate, while others top hits could be about vacation there. DuckDuckGo doesn’t tailor results to recent searches and therefore provides more accurate results.
When it comes to searching, DuckDuckGo is a safer way to go. Not only can you keep your searching private, but you don’t have to compromise on features. DuckDuckGo really has it all. Go to to switch your browser with just one click!