Sluggish Mac? You May Need More RAM | CranstonIT - Blog

Sluggish Mac? You May Need More RAM

What is RAM? Random Access Memory (RAM) is the storage space your computer uses to run its operating system and programs. Programs and files are stored on the hard drive when you’re not using them. When you launch a program or open a file, your computer loads it into RAM for quick and easy access.
You swap between different apps as you work. So does your Mac. Behind the scenes, your Mac’s operating system loads active apps and files into RAM and unloads inactive or closed apps and files. That’s if you have enough RAM. If you don’t have enough for all of your active files, your operating system will access apps and files directly from your hard drive. Hard drives are much slower than RAM and this causes your computer to run more slowly. When the computer is reading data from the hard drive and can’t do it quickly enough, it will often turn the cursor into a spinning beach ball to indicate it’s trying to catch up.

Do you need more RAM? We can tell within a few minutes, either remotely or through a few simple questions over the phone. RAM upgrades are inexpensive and often the perfect quick fix to improve your Mac’s performance.

To find out if you need more RAM or to arrange for a RAM upgrade, contact us at 888-813-5558 or