Kitestring - The Overprotective Mom | CranstonIT - Blog

Kitestring - The Overprotective Mom

As a kid, overprotective moms were annoying. Whether you or your best friend had one, they were always there, having you check in every five minutes. As an adult, sometimes you may wish that you still had a paranoid mother looking over your shoulder. There’s good news! Kitestring is that overprotective mom you wish you had!
Kitestring is a free service that helps keep you safe. Say you’re taking your dog for a walk late at night and you want to make sure that if something were to happen to you, someone would know about it. Log on to, either on your computer or smartphone, and enter the amount of time you expect to be gone, starting what Kitestring calls a “trip”. After the set time has elapsed Kitestring will send you a text message asking if you’re okay. Replying to the alert message disables the alarm, but no response prompts Kitestring to send a message to predetermined emergency contacts that lets them know something may have happened to you. The message that your emergency contacts receive will look something like this, “Hey, this is Your Name. I’m going out for a walk. If you get this message, I may not have made it back safely. Give me a call? (I used to send this message.)”.

Kitestring seems like the perfect way to keep yourself safe, but what if you’re running late or your plans end earlier than expected? Not a problem! Text the amount of time you want to extend your trip or “ok” to end a trip at anytime. One seemingly major loophole in Kitestring is the chance that your attacker could reply to the alert to disable the alarm. Kitestring has a “check-in-word” feature that only disables the alarm only when your secret word is texted. If you get into trouble and need to alert your contacts immediately, Kitestring allows you to have a “distress word”. Texting Kitestring your distress word simply ends your trip and alerts your contacts immediately.

One of the major advantages that Kitestring has over other security services is that your contacts are alerted even if you get separated from your phone. However, be careful, if your battery dies or you lose your phone while a trip is set, your text alarms will still be sent. Kitestring is available in 217 countries, helping you stay safe no matter where you are. Log on to to set up your account, your mom will thank you!