Avoid New Tech Trauma: Let Cranston IT set up your Christmas presents | CranstonIT - Blog

Avoid New Tech Trauma: Let Cranston IT set up your Christmas presents

If you or members of your family are hoping Santa brings a new iPad Pro, Macbook Pro, Apple Watch, iPhone 7 or any other new device for Christmas, chances are high you’ll have to spend a quite a chunk of time setting up that new technology. With transferring files and data, registering accounts, and setting up new Apple IDs, payment info, backups, family sharing, and networking, that process might cost you not only a lot of time, but also a lot of frustration.

There’s a simple remedy for that new tech trauma. Let Cranston IT take care of it for you.
When you use CIT@Home, we’ll handle all of your Apple support issues for you. No more trying to figure out how to load all your songs, photos and contacts onto a new device, whether the latest updates have been downloaded, or why your son’s new iPhone won’t connect to your home network. We can even help you sort out how Apple IDs work. We’ll make it so that all you and your family have to do is turn on your devices and use them as you please.

If you have a problem or issue with your Apple products, we’ll fix it. If you have a question, we’ll answer it. If you’re confused, we’ll clarify it. And if you’re stuck at what to do after removing your new device from its packaging, we’ll take over and set it up for you. It’s that simple.

Don’t be a victim of new tech trauma this holiday season. Contact us at 888-813-5558 or support@cranstonit.com to learn more about CIT@home. Our flat rate pricing gives you unlimited support for an entire year.