Apple’s Airpods Promises to Invigorate Wireless Earbuds | CranstonIT - Blog

Apple’s Airpods Promises to Invigorate Wireless Earbuds

You’ve probably seen it in spy and detective movies. A James Bond-type character enters a venue and communicates with other operatives by speaking quietly into an unseen, hidden device. No one around him has a clue that he’s relating critical mission information to someone outside the venue. Apple’s new AirPods come pretty close to replicating this experience for the everyday man and woman.

Unlike previous generations of Bluetooth earpieces, these wireless earbuds are compact and unobtrusive. They fit in the ear canal with very little showing outside the ear and no cord or wraparound piece attaching them.

Connecting AirPods to your Apple devices couldn't be easier. Simply select AirPods on your device and tap on the pods. Once connected, they’ll stay that way, ready to use anytime you want. What’s more, they can sense when you’re wearing them and will pause when they’re removed.
But AirPods aren’t just for listening. A voice accelerometer – a fancy word for an electromechanical device that measures the speed of vibrations in the voice – recognizes when you speak and works in tandem with a pair of microphones to filter out external noise. The result is that your voice comes through clear and precise when making calls via the pods’ wireless connection to your iPhone.

Like any good assistant, Siri is on hand and ready to help when using your AirPods. You can tell her to turn down the listening volume, ask her for directions, call the office, or find out the current temperature in Bora Bora, all without removing your phone from your pocket. Just double-tap either pod to get her attention.

AirPods come with a charging case that holds multiple additional charges for more than 24 hours of listening time. Just 15 minutes in the case gives you 3 hours of listening time and a full charge will give you 5.

AirPods are available from (Affliliate link: for $159. Now you can have a tech gadget previously only available to Hollywood secret agents.

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