Apple Watch Announced | CranstonIT - Blog

Apple Watch Announced

Apple has the uncanny ability to create products that their consumers need, before anyone recognizes the need. The exciting release of the Apple Watch follows in the footsteps of prior products by promising to become the next product we can't live without. The Apple Watch is part timepiece, fashion statement, calendar, communication tool, and so much more.

The first impression of the Apple Watch reveals a stunning product. Apple has made the Apple Watch completely customizable with three different styles: the traditional watch, the sport version, and the 18 karat gold edition. Choose between two different face sizes, band styles, and metal types to create the watch of your dreams. The physical appearance of the watch isn't the only thing that can be customized, you can also choose between different watch faces, making sure you can get the time just how you like it.
While the main function of a watch is to provide easy access to the time, it's not surprising that the Apple Watch does so much more. One of the main features of the Apple Watch is providing users with an intimate way of communicating with each other. From the apps that we know and love like Messages and Mail, the Apple Watch is also providing entirely new ways of communicating with those who are the most important to us. By clicking the button found under the crown, you can view all of your favorite contacts. From there you can dictate messages, send emoticons, and even send them a quick sketch, a light tap, and your heart beat. There's no doubt that access to communication and creative new features will soon revolutionize the way we communicate with each other.

The Apple Watch also makes it easier to stay fit. The integrated activity app shows you a quick, accurate, snap shot of your activity. Activity has three separate components; movement, which tracks things like how many steps you've taken; exercise, that keeps track of movement that is more physically demanding; and stand, which keeps track of how many times you stand up after being sedentary for a while. The Activity app can also provide you with more specific information such as run time, heart rate, and much more. You can see a line up of your physical activities by month, allowing you to quickly identify where you may need to step it up!

When it comes to using your iPhone and Apple Watch together, third party App developers will be able to create applications that work together on both devices, giving each even more functionality. The Apple Watch is full of potential, but you'll have to wait a little while before trying it on for size. While there is no specific release date, Apple promises their arrival in early 2015 and have a starting price of $399. To see photos of the Apple Watch and for more information visit and for all of your Apple needs contact us at